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Version Two News Archive

Version 2.04, April 2001

Changes from Version 2.03 (December 2000):

April 09, 2001

Note that I have a new e-mail address:

March 02, 2001

I was interviewed for an article by Keith Abbott, over at The Moisture Farm Coop. Click here to read it!

December 19, 2000

Removed the chronology pages, in favor of a direct link to the Time Tales section of TheForce.Net ( Thanks go out to Christopher McElroy and Michael Potts for allowing me to do this!

Version 2.03, December 2000

Changes from Version 2.02 (August 2000):

Version 2.02, August 2000

Changes from Version 2.01 (July 2000):

Version 2.01, July 2000

I have moved to the bigger world of TheForce.Net, in an effort to get the encyclopedia to more people, faster and better. I want to thank the guys at for hosting me the last few years, and giving me a chance to expand my readership. You guys are great!

Note that I have also discontinued participation in webrings. One of the newest "features" of webrings seems to be the automated checking of correct and active links. Unfortunately for me (and a lot of other webmasters), I have my webrings on a separate page to help cut down loading time of the main page. These new automated checkers then can't find the webring links on the main page, and send out errors. My reader has been flooded with these messages for the last few months, and most ringmasters just ignore me when I ask then to turn off the automated checking. So, I'm no longer going to participate in them. If you found me via a webring, thanks for visiting! (Anyway, incoming traffic from webrings was only about 0.5% of all incoming traffic, so it's not a big loss!)

Changes from Version One, Tenth Edition (May 2000): is not affiliated with Lucasfilm Limited or any of its subsidiaries, nor is it associated with any of its partners. All facts and information contained on this website are TM, ©, or ® by Lucasfilm Ltd., except as noted. Information which has been copyrighted by Lucasfilm Limited has not used with expressed permission, although no malicious intent was intended in the use of this information, nor is there any intention of making a profit from it. This is just a fan site, created by a fan, for the fans.

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