
The Universal Translator Assistant Project

using the technology of today to bring the theories of yesterday to the languages of tomorrow

yIrojqu' * December 5th, 2009 *  Peace!

mIghtaHghachvo' yImej 'ej yIQaQ! roj yInej 'ej yItlha'

See  "Targh Hol": UTA translations English <-> Klingon (or language of your choice). See below or Click Here for non-Java translator.

Important: What is Wrong with this? - why UTA isn't a translator

Universal Translator Assistant Project FAQ

The Universal Translator Assistant Project is the first, and to my knowledge only, open source translation tool for a variety of Science Fiction languages.   Our goal is not perfect translation, but fast and fun tools to give you access to the languages of the Universe!

Classic UTA for Windows updated to include the Galactic Phrasebook!

April 2002: Phrasebook includes Huttese and Bocce (Star Wars) Lanuages!

Self installing UTA file

Java based Galactic Dictionary - run it in your browser!

Java based UTA program - run it in your browser!

Here is the current (based on the Zvelbil lexicon) Vulcan Dictionary -  now available for download: PC and open source versions

Vulcan Dictionary Look Up:

Search Language:

Bible in Translation (Klingon, Mando'a, English and Latin):

(note: passage should be in the form:  BOOK Chapter  [Verse [End-verse] ]  - )

New!  "Targh Hol": UTA translations English <-> Klingon (or language of your choice).

Look For Words:


Important: What is Wrong with this? - why UTA isn't a translator

Important: What is Wrong with this? - why UTA isn't a translator

note: this will work best for the less complex sites

Looking for REAL Extraterrestrial messages?  Click HERE!

UTA LITE - JavaScript online translator for Klingon, Romulan, and Vulcan

New Galactic Phrasebook - Plain text Klingon, Klinzhai,  Vulcan  info

here is all you need to start playing around with different extraterrestrial languages.